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Dolphin Book #2
Dolphin Book for Children
Seabrook Island Book
Date Added
Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010
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Castor Bean Plant
This beautiful plant is over 12 feet tall and less than 3 months old. I thought it would grow into a shrub, planted from some seeds my friend gave me. The colors are so beautiful and it has grown into quite a tree–and shading my garden, but too pretty to take down. Actually there are 5 of them in a row crossing my garden.Some one said it is the bean plant that Jack in the beanstalk climbed. I can’t find verification of that, but the stalk is very thick and I am hoping to find gold coins at the top. The bad news is that it is posionous so not really a great garden plant. I guess it is something the deer won’t eat but next year I will plant it in the back.